Upcoming events

  • Roots Grown Deep

    Dec 8 3pm- 7pm

    An evening of world music for peace and healing.

    jahidii - tablas and world percussion

    joel karabo elliott strings, drum, winds

    scott sheerin - winds + keys

    remembering the sacred with improvised mystic global groove

    by the fire in the yurt - $20 by donation

    The extreme decline of Nature shows a global change of consciousness is needed.

    To truly change the way we relate to the environment around us, we must address the ecology of our own hearts.

    Great saints recommend that in these troubled times, we purify ourselves internally by diving into the river of sacred sound. Transformation takes place from the inside out. Let’s begin now.

  • Swaha - Reverence and Release

    Dec 22 3pm-6pm then potluck

    Offering what no longer serves us to the Fire

      Solstice is like the space between the inbreath and the outbreath. A moment of stillness. Of potential. The earth has reached it's maximum tilt and is pausing and considering. And all of nature has followed this rhythm: learning when to make use of the sunny warm seasons of growth and fertility, and when to turn within and rest deeply.
       The winter solstice signals the time to journey within the darkness. To dream into the ancestral realms as dormant seeds of consciousness. 
    Circle with us on Sunday Dec 22 at 3pm to call forth the sacred mystery within: through music and fire and prayerful expression.
    A cleansing release of offering to the fire what we are ready to let go of supported by the living world in this moment of solstice.
    With Scott and Prema Sheerin, Greg Lathrop, Jason Hebal and Aditi and Jay Sethi Brown
    By the fire in the yurt as well as burning our offerings in the outside fire.
    Followed by a potluck at 6pm.

    $20 by donation